
May 2013

Hi folks!

I don’t know about you, but I am excited about reading. So many books, so little time. I am blessed to receive review copies of books months in advance, and all I can say is that there are a lot of awesome books awaiting this summer in a broad range of genres. People have been sending me a lot of e-books; I just can’t get into the Kindle. Don’t get me wrong: I love that Kindles are inspiring a new class of readers (my wife is addicted to long romance novels on the Kindle, all of a sudden). For me, I just love holding a real book (I write notes in them as I read). I also like snooping at what others are reading, and Kindles take that pleasure away from me. Oh well!

I hope you are reading a bunch of great things. When do you like to read? Where do you like to read? If you read a page every morning and another every evening on the toilet, you could make it through a lengthy biography, 2-3 young adult novels and a couple of dozen children’s books a year. So get reading! I have read my usual steady diet of eclectic titles this past month, including Danette Key’s On the Edge of Wishing (super-quick read), Mary Higgins Clark’s Daddy’s Gone a Hunting (completely dependable author) and Maeve Binchy’s touching A Week in Winter (great Irish storyteller).

Anyhow, enjoy this month’s book selections below. I hope you are all reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me all about them. If you're an author or a publisher and would like to send me review copies of your book(s), please send them to the address listed for authors and publishers.

I hope you are reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me about them by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have a wonderful May, and enjoy your books!

Danny ;-)

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