
April 2016

Hi folks!

I hope you are all excited about the Spring. If April showers truly bring May flowers, that means you can spend plenty of lazy days inside behind some really good books this April. I’ve perused a number of eclectic titles this past month, from the gratifyingly geeky Ready Player One by Ernest Cline to Emma Donoghue’s brilliant Room (I still haven’t seen the movie, but I am itching to now) to General Michael Hayden’s sobering Playing to the Edge, which is freakier than the current Presidential contest.

Anyhow, enjoy this month’s book selections below. I hope you are all reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me all about them. If you're an author or a publisher and would like to send me review copies of your book(s), please send them to the address listed for authors and publishers.

I hope you are reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me about them by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have a wonderful April, and enjoy your books!

Danny ;-)

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