
March 2008

Hi folks!

I hope you are all enjoying your reading. I apologize for flaws within the site. I am trying to redo the website, and my technical expertise is being tested. Your patience is greatly appreciated, and please e-mail me if you have any suggestions for making the site better for you.

While criss-crossing the country on a lot of planes and picking up every virus that had not yet invaded my body from my daughter’s preschool class, I managed to read a bunch of great books this past month. David McCullough’s A Path Between the Seas is fantastic (it is about the making of the Panama Canal), and I am anxious to watch the HBO mini-series later this month of his wonderful biography on John Adams. I treated myself to several Jeffery Archer novels (his Kane & Abel is one of my favorites), including False Impression and A Matter of Honor. I have also managed to read a couple of Cormac McCarthy and Jodi Picoult novels, just so I could sound hip if I ever get invited to a party again (young children prevents a social life).

Anyhow, enjoy this month’s book selections below. I hope you are all reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me all about them. If you're an author or a publisher and would like to send me review copies of your book(s), please send them to the address listed for authors and publishers.

I hope you are reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me about them by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have a wonderful March, and enjoy your books!

Danny ;-)

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