
January 2017

Hi Folks!

Happy New Year! Have you resolved to read more this year? If I may give a quick tip that will have a huge impact: start and end your day with ten minutes of reading, preferably something positive and preferably a book or article. Rick Warren said that if you read the Bible for a mere ten minutes a day, it would only take a year to finish. Heck – I managed to crank it out in 10 months, but Leviticus was rough!

Read any good books over the break? I just devoured a couple of shelves of books I had been itching to get to. And, yes, I count the books that I read to my kids, too! Wrote a story for Chicken Soup for the Soul, so I read a few of those books (if you keep these books handy by the toilet, you’ll finish them in a jiffy, depending on the frequency of your bowels); enjoyed Tony Crabbe’s Busy; still plowing along through Mark Twain’s Autobiography and absolutely love the biographical trilogy on Winston Churchill by William Manchester; even managed to catch up on some books in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon (men – these are great books to read with your wives or significant others).

Anyhow, enjoy this month’s book selections below. I hope you are all reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me all about them. If you're an author or a publisher and would like to send me review copies of your book(s), please send them to the address listed for authors and publishers.

I hope you are reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me about them by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have a wonderful January, and enjoy your books!

Danny ;-

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