
October 2008

Hi folks!

I must apologize, as technical problems persist with the website and email server. If you know anyone who is interested in helping me as a webmaster, I’d love their help. I have so many plans for making this website better, but I do not have the technical expertise to make them happen yet.

The best part of traveling across the country speaking to different groups is that it affords me the opportunity to read a ton of big books, as well as little books. I must encourage you all to read anything by Dr. Wayne Dyer, as his words of inspiration always put a smile on my face. If you are looking to laugh out loud, I’d also recommend anything by Christopher Buckley, whose latest effort Supreme Courtship is almost as good as my favorite of his, Thank You for Smoking. And I found myself reading a lot of books on photography recently and became especially enamored with the thick (photo-filled) and lovely Burton Holmes Travelogues: The Greatest Traveler of His Time, 1892-1952. Filled with incredible photos from around the world, this book made me yearn to go out on another “walkabout.” Sigh, maybe when the kids are in college (by the way, Brassell #3 is on the way).

Anyhow, enjoy this month’s book selections below. I hope you are all reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me all about them. If you're an author or a publisher and would like to send me review copies of your book(s), please send them to the address listed for authors and publishers.

I hope you are reading some wonderful books. Make sure to tell me about them by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Have a wonderful October, and enjoy your books!

Danny ;-) 

P.S. November 4th is Election Day. Please remember to exercise your most important right as a U.S. citizen, and vote. ;-)

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