
About Danny Brassell

Danny Brassell An educator, speaker and author, Dr. Danny Brassell has devoted his life to improving the literacy aptitudes and attitudes of thousands.

When Danny discovered that many of the reading teachers, parents, community volunteers and other students he trained found little time to read for their own personal enjoyment, he began giving them recommendations of short literary works that anyone could read while waiting in a grocery line or sitting at a boring staff meeting.

The son of a librarian and a reluctant reader most of his childhood, Dr. Brassell became an avid reader when he finished his doctorate in education and discovered he could finally select books that he wanted to read. His goal is to stimulate people's interest in reading so that they make it a life-long passion.

In 2003 Danny founded The Lazy Readers’ Book Club, www.lazyreaders.com, Google’s #1-ranked site for cool, “short book recommendations,” boasting over 10,000 subscribers. He has hosted his own radio program and appeared in various television and film projects. For five seasons he hosted the TV show People Make a Difference, which could be viewed in over 4 million homes throughout Southern California. His 2012 TEDx talk “The Reading Makeover” has been singled-out as one of the funniest and most inspirational education speeches of the past five years.

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